
D+ and Insajderi complete the project “Supporting Media Freedom of Speech Through Increased Watchdog Monitoring Media Related Matters”

D+ and investigative portal Insajderi, jointly implemented the project “Supporting Media Freedom of Speech Through Increased Watchdog Monitoring Media Related Matters “ with the purpose of supporting freedom of the media and freedom of expression through investigations and publications.

In the scope of this project, D+ and Insajderi have investigated and published analysis on safety of journalists in Kosovo “Viti i mbrapshtë dhe dështimi i institucioneve në mbrojtjen gazetarëve” and the analysis “Sfida kryesore e gazetarëve kosovarë – raportimi nën kërcënimin e dajakut’.

Additionally, D+ and Insajderi have also investigated and published the analysis on journalists access to information and level of responsiveness of public institutions “Raporti i gazetarëve me institucionet- qasje shpërfillëse, tërheqje zvarrë e kërcënime nga truprojat e politikanëve”

D+ has tested the level of responsiveness of public institutions regarding contract of marketing and advertisements in the media as well as brought together all relevant institutions of the field to discuss problems and challenges in a roundtable of discussion. This was done through submitting official requests for access to documents to 20 public institutions, including municipalities, ministries, public enterprises and independent agencies. Out of these, D+ received answers in 80% however the quality of the answers was superficial.

This project is funded by the European Union through the Small Grants Scheme “Protecting Freedom of Media and Freedom of Expression in the Western Balkans” implemented by the Association of Croatian Journalists, as part of the regional project Western Balkans Regional Advocacy Platform on Freedom of Media and Journalists’ Safety, in partnership with six regional journalist associations – Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (IJAS), Association of Journalists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Association of Croatian Journalists (CJA), Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), Association Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and Montenegro’s Media Trade Union.

The project was implemented during the period of 1 October 2017 and 31 May 2018.