
Empowering communities through coordinated recycling efforts and participatory decision-making!


Last week, USAID’s Recycling Matters Activity – Gračanica/Graçanicë hosted a coordination meeting with informal waste collectors from the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities at the Resource Center in Gračanica/Graçanicë. The meeting focused on empowering these collectors through participatory decision-making, as they coordinated efforts to collect recyclable materials from the Recycling Neighborhoods. The dedication of the citizens of Gračanica to engage in recycling is commendable, making the municipality a shining example of multi-ethnic collaboration and environmental protection.

The introduction of new sources of pre-separated recyclable materials offers reliable volumes in convenient locations for the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian collectors. This initiative aims to enhance safety at work, increase efficiency, and boost earnings for these marginalized communities.

PS: The plastic bottles shown in the pictures were happily sent off to their new lives as recycled products after the meeting.